Monday 9 January 2012

Genre and Sub-Genre

Genre is a way of characterising films so that the public know what type of film they are about to watch.

For example :    When we look at this we can tell that the genre of this film is romance/comedy so a cross genre , a mixture of two different genres.  We as the public know this due to the flirtatious facial / body language . If this genre appeals to us then we are likely to go watch it however if there were no such thing as genre then producers/directors and others would find making a film harder , films are based on a lot of stereotypes.


Sub-genre in simple terms is a genre within a genre e.g : a chick Flicks .

Chick flicks are an example of Sub-genre as they are normally romantic and uber girly . Romance would be the genre and chick flick would be the sub-genre.

Which thriller sub-genre inspires you most of all ?

"The Orphange"

'The Orphange' is a spanish supernatural thriller , the reason why i chose this trailer is because it makes me want to watch the film even though it's in spanish , the language barrier doesn't put me off . The "Supernatural" sub-genre is very appealing due to what are usually added into that specific genre : a big old house , dated clothing and there are normally kids involved to . What i found most alluring in this trailer is the sounds and the sound effects used , i would say that the sound is the most important part of any thriller and is what makes a film scary .

The reason why this specific film could inspire my own thriller is that in my group we want to do an asain based thriller and we might use have asain music/writing  , just like this film it's in another language HOWEVER  it's still very much scary and gripping .

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