Tuesday 28 February 2012

Uploading to YouYube

Due to posts having been deleted Group 3 have decided to upload their work to YouTube as a back up. The AS Coursework playlist can be viewed here. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1CC59D6197F03432

Friday 24 February 2012

19 Productions Company Logo

This is our Production Company Logo, it is in Korean first and then English, this was done to shown intertexuality of Oriental Horror films.

Thursday 23 February 2012

How do you say ____ in Korean?

Since we would like to show our opening credits in both Korean and English, we will need to be able to write the Korean for the following.

vengeance 복수가
A film by 필름에 의한
19 Production 십구 프로덕션
19 Productions 십구 프로덕션스
Group 3 그룹 3
Director 디렉터
Directed by 감독이
Directed by Group 3 그룹 3 감독이
Producer 생산자
Produced by 생산
produced by group 3 그룹3이 생산
Editor 에디터
Edited by 에 의해 조장
Edited by 그룹3에 의해 조장에
Casting 캐스팅
Music 음악
Music By 에 의한 음악
Production Designer 프로덕션 디자이너
Executive Producer 큐 티브 프로듀서
Executive 큐 티브
Producer 프로듀서
Co Producer 주식 프로듀서

Our names in Korean?
Western format: Vanessa Silva 바넸아실바, Zaiba Hakim 재바하김, Kiah Wauchope 가이야와쳡.
Korean Format: Silva Vanessa 실바바넸아, Hakim Zaiba 하김재바, Wauchope Kiah  와쳡가이야.

And or with? 그리고 or 하고. Their uses are different that that of English, 하고 means and but is usually used to mean 'with' for example 와쳡가이야하고 실바바넸아하고 하김재바 (Kiah Wauchope and Vanessa Silva and Zaiba Hakim). It must be attached to the end of the last word it can not be a word on it's own. 그리고 would be used to say something like it is red AND blue, where as 하고 would be used in the context of I am going with him AND her.

Skills audit

Throughout media i have learnt numerous amounts of skills about many things for example :
  1. I have learnt how to operate a video camera safely and record many angels such as : close ups , mid-shots , extreme close ups . I've always learnt that zooming in and out during filming something  can make the overall video look amateur . 
  2. Using final cut pro , learning how to use input and output and get the part of the clip i want to use.
  3. Adding titles to my clip on final cut pro , changing it's colour/font/size .
  4. Working in a group, sharing and listening to ideas .
  5. Organising things such as : extra media time , coming in at lunch , when and what we should blog about to get good grades.
Overall though editing is the one thing I've learnt about in depth , i always thought editing was such a quick , painless and fairly easy process but it's not at all . I've learnt how to cut clips so that each clip in the overall video has a smooth transition and looks believable .

Audio :

  1. I've learnt how to import and export sound from soundtrack pro
  2. The importance of Foley sound and how to record Foley sound
  3. How to edit and add sound in soundtrack pro


  1.  Different forms of researching information needed for our blog e.g : Questionnaires , facebook , wikipedia , youtube etc 

I've also learnt about the importance of Mis en scene : costume , lighting , props and most importantly picking a significant object that is relevant to the film and could also be symbolic .

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Pictures taken while filming - Intertexuality

 These two pictures shows us taking pictures of Zaiba after she got her eye make up done , we wanted to take some close up pictures of her face and work/try with angles before we recorded her .

At first we were hoping to use a samsung mobile phone as part of the korean intertextuality as it's a korean make and korean films usually are mobile phone/technology based.However we found out that it didn't go with our plot so as a whole we thought the hair , eye makeup and white outfit is strong enough intertextuality to carry of our korean inspiration .

Screen shots of editing the thriller

 In my spare time before editing took place i came in and organised the clips on final cut pro so that when we eventually edit we'll know what each clip is and be able to speed up editing.

Monday 20 February 2012

Analysis of statistics

Coming close to the end of our project we have decided to analysis the statistics of our blog. Doing this we can view what has been popular and who has viewed our blog from where.

All time views

Most popular posts

Top 3 traffic sources

World Audience

Most popular posts

The sites which have reffered to us

Page views by country

VLOG - Final Filming day

We decided to make a VLOG  , we weren't prepared for it but we thought it would be a good idea . Overall though we've concluded that we should make a  Summery VLOG of all our filming days with set questions and detailed answers . 

Friday 17 February 2012

Filming our thriller!

During the half-term group 3 decided to start filming our scenes for our thriller, we found that our chosen location had many forests and was a secluded area to film. While we were filming we took some pictures of our group, to show how the filming process went about.

In this picture you can see Kiah placing a
ribbon on a branch
We have used intertextuality as we are using pieces of The
Grudge. The picture on the left is our version of a scary eye
 and the picture on the right is what we have used as inspiration 

Friday 10 February 2012

Using intertextuality in Vengeance

In our thriller, Group 3 will be using intertextuality in terms of  having the main character resemble the villains in The Grudge and Ringu. In the following pictures you will see Zaiba dressed and looking exactly like the characters from our chosen examples.
On the left is Group Three's version, the middle is an image taken from
The Grudge and on the right hand side is an image taken from Ringu

Skills audit

A skills audit is a review of what I have learnt through out the project.

Through blogging I have learnt quite a few things. I have learnt how to:
  • How to Create edit publish a blog or post both in composition mode and HTML mode.

  • How to change the font size, and font type of a blog or post.
  • How to strikethrough or make text italic, underlined, or bold in a blog or post.
  • How to highlight text in a blog or post.
  • How to change the colour of the text in a blog or post.
  • How to add a Link to a blog or post.
  • How to add images to a blog or post.
  • How to add videos to a blog or post.
  • How to upload videos to a blog or post.
  • How to insert a Jump into a blog or post.
  • How to change the alinement of a blog or post.
  • How to add bullet points to a blog or post.
  • How to add a Quote to a blog or post.
  • How to remove text formatting of a blog or post.
  • How to change the size of imported files (Images, Videos, ECT).
  • How to spell check using a blog or post.
  • How to create and reply to comments on the blog.
  • How to embed items using the HTML mode to a blog or post.
  • How to change the design of a blog and add extra features. Such as blog views, sub menu's and blog archive.
  • A blog is like a Journal, it isn't just for set work. You can add whatever you like. You can blog anything of relevance it is YOUR blog.

Through researching I have learnt:
  • To research through multiple sources.
  • How to select information which is relevant to my project.
  • How to analyse films and film opening in technical terms. The different shot types, and technical terms used within the film industry.

Through sound I have learnt:

  • What Foley sounds are, What Foley sound artists do and their importance within the film industry.
  • How to use SoundTrack, importing and exporting sounds.
  • How to edit sound in SoundTrack and FinalCutPro
  • How to turn on a camera.
  • How to insert memory cards into a camera.
  • How to put the battery into the camera.
  • How to set up a tripod.
  • How to attach a camera onto a tripod.
  • How to zoom in or out.
  • How to record.
  • How to pan, tilt or track.
  • How to change the focus auto/manual.
  • How to play back using a camera.
  • The 5 second rule, which allows you to record more footage.
  • To record the same scene over and over from different angles.
  • Not to zoom during the middle of a clip as it looks cheap.

Mise en Scene
  • The importance of Mise en Scene in a film.
  • The significance certain objects can have.
  • Symbolism.
How to edit using Keyframes.

Final Cut Pro:-
  • How to edit audio, video and text using FinalCutPro.
  • How to import clips into FinalCutPro.
  • How to cut clips.
  • How to create imput and output points.
  • How to add a clip onto the timeline
  • How to add and edit a transition on a clip
  • How to add effects to a clip
  • How to delete audio or visual layers
  • How to overlay a clip
  • How to create 'bins' or categories/folders to organise clips.
  • How to export from Final Cut.
  • How to save a project in final cut.


  • How to import and export sounds.
  • How to search for sounds.
  • How to save sounds
  • How to edit sounds
  • How to change the volume of audio
  • How to fade audio.

I have learnt how to edit text with LiveType.

  • How to add effects to text.
  • How to format text.
  • How to save and import text.

Planning Locations

The first of our planned filming locations is trent park, we plan to film within the forest as it is secluded. We feel that it would look good in our horror film.

The second of our planned locations is CIty and Islington Sixth form college. We will use this location for the bullying scenes.

Risk Assesments - Redone

Here are a list of possible risks that could come up in our thriller production process with solutions included.

Bad weather - this means that is could be hard to film in, the ground could be slippery, the weather could case a continuous error and could be hazardous.

Solutions: Wear suitable clothing, plan to do outdoor filming first so that it can be redone if necessary.

People & Bystanders - Might get in the way, affect our acting and cause continuos error.

Solutions: film at times when people are not likely to be around, or in places which are not overly popular.

Technological - Camera problems such as the camera being in the wrong form, auto focus, full memory, battery life, wrong camera settings, problems when editing, loss of files.

Solutions: Check that camera is set up correctly before filming, make sure to have plenty of space on memory cards, take spare batteries for off site filming, check autofocus before filmin and be sure to back up files.

Ground - Could be unlevelled or slippery

Solutions: wear suitable clothing, try to find level ground or use tripod to get the camera level.

River - As there is a river near one of our filming locations, there are the dangers of: falling in, fishermen, iced over river.

Solutions: Try to go to the filming location when the weather is good and when people are unlikely to be out.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Skills Audit

Throughout the course of media I have learnt many different things that have helped further my knowledge  and benefit me for editing our final thriller. Firstly, I have learnt about different camera angles such as close up, mid shot, establishing shot, tracking and panning etc. 

Here are a few examples of a close up shot, mid shot and establishing shot

After learning about all these individual shots, I have come to find that they all mean different things for instance; a close up shot symbolises a persons expression or emotion it allows the audience to interpret what that character is feeling, another example is an establishing shot which lets the audience know where the movie or programme is taking place.

Secondly, we then began learning about how intertextuality has been used in different movies whereby certain parts have been borrowed and referenced from previous films. Intertextuality can be seen in the movies The Stepfather (2009), What Lies Beneath (2001) and Fatal Attraction (1987) all these movies  in some way or another have referenced the 1960 movie Psycho, in terms of using the same bath scene where a person gets attacked by another character using the same weapon and mise en scene. Beneath is a clip of Psycho and Fatal Attraction which will allow you to see the the similarities:

Moving on, when it came to begin our thriller openings we were taught on how to use Final Cut Pro and Sound Track Pro. Final Cut Pro is a simple editing software that will allow you to cut, add transitions, insert titles and change the filtering of clips. My experience after using Final Cut Pro was that although it was difficult at first it became easier and familiar after I had used it over and over again. From using Final Cut Pro I have learnt how to edit clips to make them flow better and add different effects, for instance as we were making a thriller we often added a "negative" effect to make everything look dark and gloomy. On the other hand, Sound Track Pro is basically the music editing software where you can create your own melodies and transform them into actual songs. Sound Track Pro has allowed me to learn how to loop music, fade them in and out and also to split sounds, other than learning how to edit sound I also learnt that you can search a type of sound effect you want and add it into your video clip, which you have to export so that it can fit into Sound Track Pro. 

Other than learning how to use software's, I had to also learn about more practical things like how to use a camcorder and tri- pod. From one of our group blogs you will see that we have blogged about how to use a camcorder and tri-pod, which helped me remember all the different buttons to press at certain times. My experience of using a camcorder was relatively quite easy, the buttons became familiar to me and I have learnt what buttons must be used during different occasions, for example the ND filter button should be used when there is too much light in the clip, this button will absorb the light so that the clip appears to look clearer. Whereas using the tri-pod was quite tricky having to make sure that it was always on levelled ground, despite this everything else about using the tri- pod became easier within time. Overall, I have learnt a lot from media studies and hope to learn more in the nearer future. 


    Planning : Power point on 'Planning in general'

    Wednesday 8 February 2012

    2 film openings that inspire us

    As shown in our blog, we have been researching oriental horror and discrete openings. Two of the opening that have inspired use the most are se7en and Ju-On: The grudge.

    Se7en has inspired us with it's sharp titles. The discrete opening inspires us, and we may use intertextual influences of the film. as blogger no longer allows us to embed the clip here is this link to the opening credits of Se7en on YoutTube

    We've also been inspired by the Japanese titles from the grudge. However we will be using Korean titles instead of Japanese in our thriller. We may choose to overlay some of the titles over the clips as done in the Grudge.
    Here is the link to opening of the Grudge on YouTube, as blogger will no longer allow us to embed the clip:

    Sunday 5 February 2012

    Props - Jack in the Box

    Vanessa has specially ordered this Jack in the box for our thriller opening. Zaiba's character will wind up the Jack in the box, this is symbolic of her character being wound up.

    Friday 3 February 2012

    Final project - Brainstorm

    Our idea is that Kim SuYoung (Played by Zaiba) is bullied at school, her best friend Kwon SuJin (Played by Kiah) turns on her, Lee JaeHwa (Played by Vanessa) is friends with SuJin. After Kim SuYoung commits suicide she seeks revenge on Kwon Sujin, by first murdering her friends. She then comes for Kwon Sujin. *Koreans use the name order: Last name Givename.

    We're planning on using a samsung phone (As this is a Korean company), since many Oriental films involve phone calls and technology. We also want to give SuYoung and symbolic object such as a Jack in the box.

    We are thinking that we might use this sound track, or a similar sound track in our opening. We thought that the childish song helps to create fear.

    Thursday 2 February 2012

    Location planning

    Group 3 have chosen to look at Trent Park, as a location for their thriller. We are going to visit this location, take pictures and gather props before showcasing our ideas or pitch on monday.
    Or other location for our film will be our college.

    Analysis of feedback so far...

    Since the start of our AS Media project on thrillers, Group 3 have received a number of comments, views and feedback on their blog. Before we continue with our Final project, the thriller itself, we've decided to analyze the feedback we've received so far in one post.

    The first image is of a comment on the post 'Oriental horror - female characters', the second is a comment on the post 'A genre that inspires me, J-horror' Since receiving these comments, group 3 have researched further into Oriental-horror for their project. Our Oriental-Horror research can be viewed here. Although the Russian film 'inside the mirror' and Ringu are related intertexualy through their main female characters, we've found out that Ringu was actually based on a Volcano victim, her mother had predicted the eruption of the volcano but nobody belived her, it is believed to be the reason why Sadako crawls on the floor. We found this out from another comment on out blog with aidded our research, as well as researching into Japanese folklore.
    We we're surprised to have received a comment on our blog from outside of our Media department. The site posted by Zack has helped us in our research, we also found his reply to a reader of his blog useful in our research on Sadako of the ring.
    Our next comment is by another Candi student (whom is in a different group).  She liked that we are basing our project on oriental-horror, this also helps us with our target audience, teenagers around 16+ should be interested in our thriller. She also stated that nobody had chosen to base their probject on this sub-genre before, which makes our project unique.
    Lastly we've received feedback from Tom Nguyen, a friend of Vanessa's, on our blog and via the social network Facebook. We've realizsd that the production company logo could have been longer, and hopefully will be able to re-edit the opening for our thriller. He liked the text Hangul (modern Korean alphabet), he stated that it helped to give an Oriental feel to the preliminary project, although he did not know it was Korean next not Chinese or Japanese... He was able to recognise it as an oriental writing system, which means that our viewers should also be able to recognise this. He also mentions adding more sound, and editing the prelim differently. He's given us feedback on how we can create a scarier film too. We hope to incorporate some of these ideas into our final project.

    In addition, Group 3 have also be chosen as Star blog of the week, twice by the candi media department.

    Final Project - Planning

    The Sub-genre we haven chosen to use is oriental-horror, since we have been researching oriental-horror throughout or project

    How will intertextuality inspire you?which clips/films
    Films such as Ringu, and Ju-on: The grudge will inspire our film. We plan on using characters such as Sadako intertextualy, and basing our film on Oriental folklore such as tokaido yotsuya kaidan, which will lead to use having an Onryo in our thriller film.

    The structure we've decided on is discrete, we were inspired by titles sequences like the title sequence for se7en.

    Our key props will include a white dress or outfit for the main character who will be an onryo. Which we will have to shop for.

    settings - We want to use a secluded setting, which won't be interrupted by the public.

    sound ideas - Since Onryo do not speak much, we probably won't be using much diegetic sound, unless we have someone scream or the sound of crawling on the floor.