Thursday 5 January 2012

Collateral original & remake comparison

Firstly what made our remake different was the location we chose, Owens field. Whereas the original is in an airport. Secondly our remake was more dramatic, as we used the diegetic sound of a police siren and non diegetic music, We also added transitions for a more dramatic effect.
A change was that instead of two male actors, we had two female actresses, naturally it looked more dramatic. Of course, our costume designs differed.

One difference was the angle that the opening shot was taken at, we also used natural daylight whereas the original most likely used studio lights. We didn't have extras in our remake.
Although our composition was close to the original opening.

In the original the glare between the two characters was more due to shock, ours was as if the two characters were mortal enemies.

 In our remake we did not cut as often as the original Collateral opening, or use the same type of shot for each shot. We had tried to follow our storyboard, but due to lack of time and technical problems we weren't able to film each shot type.

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