Monday 19 March 2012

Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the final product?

Loock back at the skills you had when you made the preliminary film; in terms of pre production. compare those with the skills you displayed in your final film. Try to sum up what you have learnt across both productions.

In the preliminary we were introduced to storyboards, so in the final film we knew more what we were doing with the story boards and how to show types of shots and zooms in the storyboards. We were given a task to follow in the preliminary wheras in our film it was completely up to us, which gave us a lot more freedom but also made it harder because we had to come up with the ideas on our own.

During the production of our prelim we learnt that you should always check the focus of your clips, because this ended up messing up our clips. So in the final production process we made sure to do this. In the final version we learnt how to eastablish more of the scene using the camera whereas in the prelim we only used a few types of shots. In the final version we recorded a lot more clips than we would ever need, we learnt that it was good to do this so that we would have more footage if we ever needed it.

During editing we hadn't learnt much more in the final process than in the preliminary except how to use Live Type to create titles. In the prelim we had learnt how to edit sound and audio using final cut and how to edit sound using soundtrack pro.

In the prelim We learnt about the 180 degree rule, which means only filming within 180 degrees, if you go over this you may end up confusing your audience as the characters and objects will be on reverse sides.
We also learnt about the 5 second rule in the final production in that you should film for 5 seconds more than you need in the beginning and ending of each shot to make sure you have enough footage. We learnt in the prelim how important Mise En Scene can be as it can influence the audiences view completly, so in the final version we tried our best to use oriental intertexuality where we could for example Zaiba's white costume showing a ghostly figure.

In the preliminary task we learnt how important it was to match cut during editing, so that the clip would flow nicely and as to not confuse our audience, we carried this through into the final project.

Here is a vlog for some more of my answers to this question:
You may have to click this link to view it... The video may be out of sync due to problems with the  youtube uploader

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